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Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Art Of Portraiture Essay Example For Students
Craft Of Portraiture Essay The three works that I picked that are craft of likeness are Head of a King, Mask of a Lyoba, and Mother Goddess. The initial two pictures are West African Art from two unique clans, Ife, who made the Head of a King and Benin, whom made the Mask of a Lyoba. The Mother Goddess is an Aztec piece. These gatherings of individuals are from various societies, timespans, and share diverse strict convictions. The similitude of the gatherings is the emblematic importance the likenesses brought to its kin. The main work is the Head of a King. This Ife creation changed the observation that researchers had of the clan. It was realized that the Ife clans didn't do pictures due to the spirits that could hurt the subjects. The figures that were found all appeared to look like rulers, so the end was that the establishment of sovereignty and the need to respect imperial precursors were sufficiently able to defeat concerns. Likewise the figures were naturalistic. The extents of the couple of knownful figures are typically African.. The heads may have been taken from life models, yet appear to be progressively similar to glorified pictures. A model is of the extents of the leader of the figure. These extents most likely mirror a confidence in the heads significance as the dwelling place of the soul, and the focal point of the individual personality. Life is the hallowed city of the Yoruba individuals, were naturalistic model started. The Benin clan emerged after the Ife, and was extraordinarily affected by their craft. Their representations were additionally naturalistic, however as they developed increasingly educated in workmanship, they drew away from the naturalistic works of the Ife individuals into adapted works of their own. The Mask of a Lyoba is a delightful fancy veil of sovereignty. This works shows that the individuals no longer utilize the naturalistic methodology, however a striking, increasingly glorified, portrayal of its kin. The craft of Benin is an illustrious workmanship, just the oba could commission the works. This work was charged in ivory, however the greater part of the works were appointed in metal. The Benin progress from naturalistic to adapt is better clarified in the metal heads. It ranges from little, daintily cast, and naturalistic to huge, thickly cast, and exceptionally adapted. The finish of researchers is that in their Early Period, their heads were little and naturalistic from the Ife impact. Heads at that point became progressively adapted during the Middle Period. At that point in the Late Period, the heads were huge and overwhelming, with precise adapted highlights and an expound beaded crown. In Mexico there was additionally pictures. Explicitly in the Aztec Empire were the Mother Goddess was made. This was a solid and amazing domain that was separated in classes. The religion depended on a mind boggling pantheon that joined the Aztec gods with increasingly antiquated ones that had for quite some time been adored in Central Mexico. As per the Aztec conviction, the divine beings made the current universe at the antiquated city of Teothhuacan. Which is like the Ife conviction that Gods descended and made the individuals. The way of life and motivation behind the individuals is then to love and respect their divine beings until the end of time. This was finished by penance and in their craft. We know about the religion and the convictions of the Aztec individuals in view of their specialty. The divine beings were spoken to in sculptures and artistic creations that were stories to train their kin and demonstrate regard to the divine beings. The Mother Goddess was a wide carried figure with pawed hands and feet has a skirt of turned snakes. A couple of snakes, images of spouting blood, ascend from her neck to shape her head. Their eyes are her eyes; their teeth, her tusks. The squirming snakes of her skirt additionally structure her body. Around her stump of a neck balances a jewelry of conciliatory contributions hands, heart, and a dangling skull. .u1bef6b597f94eee8bcfc903ebcb43e9d , .u1bef6b597f94eee8bcfc903ebcb43e9d .postImageUrl , .u1bef6b597f94eee8bcfc903ebcb43e9d .focused content zone { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u1bef6b597f94eee8bcfc903ebcb43e9d , .u1bef6b597f94eee8bcfc903ebcb43e9d:hover , .u1bef6b597f94eee8bcfc903ebcb43e9d:visited , .u1bef6b597f94eee8bcfc903ebcb43e9d:active { border:0!important; } .u1bef6b597f94eee8bcfc903ebcb43e9d .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u1bef6b597f94eee8bcfc903ebcb43e9d { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; darkness: 1; change: mistiness 250ms; webkit-progress: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u1bef6b597f94eee8bcfc903ebcb43e9d:active , .u1bef6b597f94eee8bcfc903ebcb43e9d:hover { murkiness: 1; change: haziness 250ms; webkit-progress: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u1bef6b597f94eee8bcfc903ebcb43e9d .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: relative; } .u1bef6b597f94eee8bcfc903ebcb43e9d .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-embellishment: underline; } .u1bef6b597f94eee8bcfc903ebcb43e9d .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u1bef6b597f94eee8bcfc903ebcb43e9d .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; fringe sweep: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: intense; line-stature: 26px; moz-outskirt range: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-adornment: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .u1bef6b597f94eee8bcfc903ebcb43e9d:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u1bef6b597f94eee8bcf c903ebcb43e9d .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u1bef6b597f94eee8bcfc903ebcb43e9d-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u1bef6b597f94eee8bcfc903ebcb43e9d:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Al GORE for President EssayDespite the surface multifaceted design, the models basic, intense, and blocky structures make a solitary visual entirety. This emotional effect was additionally elevated by the shading. This likeness is extremely emblematic. Not at all like the past two works it isn't of the rulers or the individuals at that point, it is of a divine being. In any case, much like the initial two works it is additionally glorified. This is the thing that their mom god that guides them should resemble. The Ife individuals made works that were profound and uncovering their gatherings personality. The Benin individuals, when understanding craftsmanship made adapted works that additionally communicated their personality, unmistakably more than anything naturalistic. Each of the three works speaks to the individuals and what is essential to them. For the Aztec individuals it was their divine beings, and speaking to them in an emotional and incredible manner to show their kin. While the Ife individuals accepted that the divine beings made them in resemblance to themselves, so the pictures were likewise of their kin in the perfect structure that the divine beings needed. The Benin culture were entranced by workmanship, and needed to demonstrate regard to their rulers by their portrayal of them.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Various Views of Knowledge Free Essays
Information can be deciphered from numerous points of view. Some may consider information to be scholarly instruction. Others may consider instruction to be insight. We will compose a custom exposition test on Different Views of Knowledge or then again any comparative point just for you Request Now None of these points of view of information are correct or wrong. Each individual is qualified for their own definition, source, and utilization of information in their lives. I see information as the intelligence and knowledge that one may procure after some time, by close to home encounters and impacts throughout everyday life. The greater part of the essential information procured by individuals beginning at a youthful age is in school. As small kids, we learn rudimentary realities, for example, our numbers and the letter set. The more seasoned we become, the more realities we are instructed, and the more mind boggling these realities become. The information one may learn in school is the thing that I consider as common information that will get individuals into the universities and occupations that they may want. The individuals that are inexhaustible in instructive information are the individuals who rule our economy and run our nation. Surely, this is one of the more significant sorts of information there are and unquestionably one that we were unable to manage without, however it isn't exactly as significant as a portion of the others. Instruction is imperative throughout everyday life, except insignificant realities can't help in the answer for all issues. Another wellspring of information is diversion, for example, in TV, motion pictures, books, or even music. Particular kinds of diversion can even be training. For instance, TV programs, for example, â€Å"20/20†or â€Å"DateLine†are both instructive shows, however intriguing enough to engage people in general. Amusement can be dubious, however. The media can persuade us, even indoctrinate us, to accept certain facts that may not be precise. The TV programs we watch and the music that we tune in to are tremendous every day impacts on our lives. They help shape the manner in which we think, what we know, and what we feel. We follow the patterns that TV lets us know are â€Å"in†and express the things that everybody says. We will in general attempt to display ourselves after the individuals on the big screen. The huge effect that the media and media outlet has on general society develops every day with expanding innovation. The web is one of the more current wellsprings of both training and amusement. It is likewise genuinely hurtful. Numerous things that are prohibited from TV and motion pictures are effectively available on the World Wide Web, to everybody, including kids. The connections that we have with individuals, regardless of whether it is associates, family, or companions, legitimately impact us with each communication. In the working environment, the individuals that one may work with influence our work propensities. On the off chance that an individual works in an occupied, quick paced office, he will be utilized to that kind of way of life. Be that as it may, if that equivalent individual were to move to a moderate paced, languid office, he would feel inefficient and sluggish. At home, the individuals that we live with, our family, are our first educators. Home is the place we get familiar with the ethics and qualities that we, as grown-ups, give to our youngsters. Our habits and manners that are found out at home are what we bring into the outside world and depict to other people. The information and understanding that we gain from our relatives are rarely overlooked and remain in our souls and psyches for a lifetime. I accept that the connections one has with companions and sweethearts are significant in forming a person†s considerations and activities. These are the individuals that we go to in all sorts of challenges, inconveniences and delights. They are the ones we go to for counsel and consolment. They are the ones that are with us in troublesome circumstances. For instance, if there is a gathering of companions and a couple of begin smoking, it is high likely for every one of them to start smoking. Kid/Girlfriends, be that as it may, are an alternate, increasingly personal sort of impact. Actually, every person that I have ever dated has transformed me somehow or another, regardless of whether it is critical or not. Through the various encounters and feelings one may feel through falling all through adoration, one learns probably the most significant exercises of life. Just from beginning to look all starry eyed without a moment's delay, one can adapt such a significant number of thin gs through errors and great decisions. Love is knowing. My dad is an amazingly proficient individual. He may not be taught with confirmations and degrees, yet he is instructed with knowledge. His is a more profound information that goes past the outside surface of individuals and into their central cores. My dad never passed secondary school instruction. The information that he has gained throughout the years has been simply from his very own undertakings. I supplemented him on his astuteness and he reacted with this (in Korean): â€Å"I never thought I was brilliant. I loathed school and consistently pulled pranks on individual understudies and my instructors. I was a class jokester. However, as I developed more seasoned, I wanted that I had given more consideration in my classes. It†s such a waste.†My dad is an ideal case of shrewdness without scholastic greatness. Don†t misunderstand me. He is an exceptionally savvy and astute man. His insight simply was not learned by the books. â€Å"I†ve had a hard life. I think I have. There have been such a significant number of difficult situations. Things consistently turn out badly. Be that as it may, when something turns out badly, in any event you take in and can shield it from happening once more. I†m brilliant. With mature age comes astuteness, you know? With each easily overlooked detail that occurs in your life, you learn. For whatever length of time that you continue learning, you†re okay.†I accept that information is a blessing. It is something that one can never have enough of. It is extraordinary and distinctive in it†s own way in each person. There is no awful or futile information. Each kind of information has esteem, regardless of whether the information is about math, vehicles, or even rubbish. Each bit of information that we gain make us into the individuals that we are. Information is obtained through sights and sounds, however sentiments and feelings. It is the way to life. As it's been said, â€Å"knowledge is power.†Step by step instructions to refer to Various Views of Knowledge, Papers
Friday, August 14, 2020
Dear Seniors
Dear Seniors Life has drastically changed in the past few months. You’re in a moment that feels like it will define the rest of your life. You’ve got one year left and a whole lot of stuff to do. And whether you choose to acknowledge it or not, you subconsciously know that this year is going to be life-changing. You started in one place and will end up in another. You’ve got mixed emotions. You can see college peeking at you from around the corner. You’re excited about getting to finally be your own person.You can’t wait to throw your cap up high at graduation. But you’re also a tad bit sad. You’re going to miss your family. And your friends. And home cooked meals. And the laundry you don’t have to do. You’re worried how the future will play out. College applications just don’t seem to end, and as you open yourself up, in essay after essay, decisions become really REALLY scary. You’ve cried. No, SOBBED you’re way to sleep. You’re terrified of the taste of rejection. You’ve made yourself sick to the stomach out of worry. You’re afraid that you aren’t good enough. That your stats aren’t high enough. That your personality is not charming enough. That your essays are not unique enough. You’ve put in years of hard work to get into your dream schools. You’ve studied hard for the SAT. You’ve done all the extracurriculars. You’ve filled your schedule with APs. You’re worried it will go to waste. You’re worried that there’s something wrong inside of you. And that college admissions will see it. But you still spend time on every single application. Because fears and insecurities aside, you want to see how far you can go. There’s also a part of you that secretly enjoys writing these essays. You’ve learned a lot about yourself writing them. It was hard. In the beginning, it didn’t seem possible. It took a lot out of you to put yourself into words. It took a lot to be open and honest and true. But you’re glad you did. It showed you what you were capable of. You’re almost half-way through with senior year. You’re at the point where application deadlines become plenty and decision dates become near. There have been acceptances. There have been deferrals. There have been rejections. Confirmation bias tells you the decision was inevitable. And as you display emotions in front of others, there’s a whole different set on the inside. And regardless of what the emotions you are feeling may be, you should know that it’s ok to feel them. People will tell you different things. They’ll tell you that college decisions are beyond your control. That things work out in the end. That you’ll do well wherever you go. That whatever happens, happens for the best. That college decisions are about a good match. That life goes on. But you don’t have to believe in all that right now. It’s okay to just sit, surrounded by your emotions. Because, that is also an experience. Because eventually you’ll come around. And you’ll realize something new. You’ll realize that you’re better than you thought. That you don’t need other people to recognize your worth for it to exist. And that is what will carry you far. You’ll realize how limited your time is. How, you’ll not just miss the people that you love but also the person that you are right now at this time and at this place. Because there’s quite nothing like senior year of high school. There’s nothing like working on college applications with friends and family. There’s nothing like waiting to hear back. There’s nothing like taking time to look back at the person you’ve become because of the dreams you’ve chosen to chase after. There’s nothing like looking at all of the people that support all that you do. There’s nothing like seeing things work out even when you’ve stumbled and fallen. Of course, it can take some time for things to really workout. It’ll take even longer to realize it. In the meantime, enjoy this spotify playlist (“Five Stages of Feelingâ€) my friend made for you all (Disclaimer: she’s a broadway fan). Let yourself feel the feels. It’s allowed. amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;br /amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;
Sunday, May 24, 2020
How to Pronounce Chongqing, One of Chinas Major Cities
Learn how to pronounce Chongqing (é‡ Ã¥ ºâ€ ), one of Chinas major cities. Its located in South-west China (see map) and has almost 30 million inhabitants, although much less live in the urban center itself. The city is important because of its manufacturing and is also a regional transportation hub. In this article, we will first give you a quick and dirty way of how to pronounce the name if you just want to have a rough idea how to pronounce it. Then I’ll go through a more detailed description, including analysis of common learner errors. The Quick and Dirty Way of Pronouncing Chongqing Most Chinese cities have names with two characters (and therefore two syllables). There are abbreviations, but these are rarely used in spoken language (the abbreviation for Chongqing isÂ æ ¸ . Heres a brief description of the sounds involved: Listen to the pronunciation here while reading the explanation. Repeat yourself! Chong - Pronounce a shorter choo in choose plus -ngQing - Pronounce as chi- in chin plus -ng in sing If you want to have a go at the tones, they are rising and falling respectively. Note: This pronunciation is not correct pronunciation in Mandarin. It represents my best effort to write the pronunciation using English words. To really get it right, you need to learn some new sounds (see below). Pronouncing Names in Chinese Pronouncing names in Chinese can be very hard if you havent studied the language; sometimes its hard, even if you have. Many letters used to write the sounds in Mandarin (called Hanyu Pinyin) dont match the sounds they describe in English, so simply trying to read a Chinese name and guess the pronunciation will lead to many mistakes. Ignoring or mispronouncing tones will just add to the confusion. These mistakes add up and often become so serious that a native speaker would fail to understand. How to Actually Pronounce Chongqing If you study Mandarin, you should never ever rely on English approximations like those above. Those are meant for people who dont intend to learn the language! You have to understand the orthography, i.e. how the letters relate to the sounds. There are many traps and pitfalls in Pinyin you have to be familiar with. Now, lets look at the two syllables in more detail, including common learner errors: Chà ³ng (second tone) - The initial is a retroflex, aspirated, affricate. What does that mean? It means that the tongue should feel like the tongue is slightly curled backwards as when saying right, that there is a small stop (a t-sound, but still pronounced with the described tongue position) followed by a hissing sound (such as when urging someone to be quiet: Shhh!) and that there should be a sharp puff of air on the stop. The final is tricky in two regards. First, English doesnt really have a short vowel in this position. Its reasonably close to choose but should be short. Second, the nasal -ng should be more nasal and further back. Dropping you jaw usually helps.Qà ¬ng (fourth tone) - The initial here is the only tricky part. q is an aspirated affricate, which means that its similar to the ch above, but with a different tongue position. The tongue tip should be down, lightly touching the teeth ridge behind the lower teeth. -ing should have the same nasal as above, too, but with an i and an optional schwa (roughly the vowel sound in English the) inserted after the i and before the nasal. The are some variations for these sounds, but Chongqing (é‡ Ã¥ ºâ€ ) can be written like this in IPA: [ʈʂÊ °uÅ‹Â tÉ•Ê °jəŋ] Note that both sounds have stops (the t) and that both have aspiration (the superscript h). Conclusion Now you know how to pronounce Chongqing (é‡ Ã¥ ºâ€ ). Did you find it hard? If you’re learning Mandarin, dont worry; there arent that many sounds. Once you’ve learned the most common ones, learning to pronounce words (and names) will become much easier!
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Nike The Sweatshop Debate Essay - 1017 Words
Nike: The Sweatshop Debate Jose Tirado MGT 448 March 25, 2013 Danny Rudick Nike: The Sweatshop Debate Nike, the world’s largest and leading innovator in athletic footwear, apparel, and equipment, is considered to be the quintessential global corporation. The company was founded in 1972 by Phil Knight, a former track star from the University of Oregon. Their company logo, â€Å"Just Do It†, has become one of the most recognizable marketing phrases throughout the world as well as their celebrity sponsors, which include Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods, are also some of the most recognizable athletes. In 2006, Nike employed an estimated 650,000 people in 600 different factories scattered throughout the globe and had an annual revenue of†¦show more content†¦A spokeswoman for Nike, Donna Gibbs, contested this statement and said it was in fact false stating that the average worker in Indonesia made well above the minimum wage. Gibbs also stated that every factory had staff members from Nike monitoring working conditions and making sure they are obeying the child l abor and minimum wage laws. Another attack on Nikes practices came from the Global Exchange in 1997 when they published a report on the working conditions from 4 factories in Southern China. According to their reports in one of the factories, owned by a Korean subcontractor, workers as young as thirteen were working for a mere ten cents an hour for up to seventeen hour days in complete silence. Talking while working was prohibited and violators were fined anywhere from $1.20 to $3.60. Global exchange stated that these practices were in violation of Chinese labor law, which states that no child under 16 may work in a factory. Also that the minimum wage requirement was $1.90 for an 8 hour day. Though once again Nike defended themselves and assured that the monitoring systems they had in place was in fact working and that most, if not all, of the issues were addressed. Global exchange though obtained a confidential report of an audit stating that thousands of young women were working more than 10.5 hour days, six days a week, in excessive heat, noise and foul air. Also many workers suffered from skin or breathing problems and many were notShow MoreRelatedNike: The Sweatshop Debate Essay1195 Words  | 5 Pagesbusiness presented in the Nike sweatshop debate case study. The paper determines the various roles that the Vietnamese government played in this global business operation. This paper summarizes the strategic and operational challenges facing global managers illustrated in the Nike sweatshop case. Nike: The Sweatshop Debate Case Study This paper describes the legal, cultural, and ethical challenges that confronted the global business presented in the Nike sweatshop debate case study. It illustratesRead MoreNike: the Sweatshop Debate Essay1494 Words  | 6 PagesNike: The Sweatshop Debate MGT/448 May 31, 2010 Instructor: Adrianne Ford Nike: The Sweatshop Debate The purpose and intent of this paper is to describe the legal, cultural, and ethical challenges that face the Nike Corporation in their global business ventures. This paper will also touch on the roles of the host government and countries where Nike manufactures their products and the author will summarize the strategic and operational challenges that Nike managers face in globalization ofRead MoreNike the Sweatshop Debate Essay1796 Words  | 8 PagesRunning head: Nike and the Sweatshop Debate Nike the Sweatshop Debate Shelia D. Marshall Global Strategies MGT 448 Shabbir Karim October 12, 2009 Nike the Sweatshop Debate Beneath all the hoopla and controversy about Nike being a successful company in the United States in which its earnings in 2009 according to Hoovers Inc., 2009, Nike’s revenue for 2009 was $19, 176.1 million and their gross profit was $8,604.4 million, made possible by the hands of women and underage workersRead MoreEssay on Nike: The Sweatshop Debate1370 Words  | 6 PagesNike: The Sweatshop Debate SYNOPSIS Nike is a worldwide global corporation that has its shoes manufactured on a contract basis in places like Asia, China, and Vietnam. Although it does not actually own any of the manufacturing locations, it has long been accused of having its products manufactured in facilities that exploit workers. Although Nike admits some wrongdoing in the manufacturing facilities of its contractors, it claims to have started a commitment to improve working conditions inRead MoreEssay about Nike: The Sweatshop Debate1839 Words  | 8 PagesShould Nike be held responsible for working conditions in foreign factories that it does not own but where subcontractors make products for Nike? In many ways, it seems obvious to me that Nike should be held responsible for working conditions in foreign companies where products for Nike are made. In my opinion a company is not only responsible for itsÊ ¼ own employees but also for the employees that produce for them even though theyÊ ¼re not in their own company. I think that every part of the supplyRead MoreEthical Issues Within The Workplace1375 Words  | 6 Pagesresponsible organizations like Nike consider the effect of their activities upon all stakeholders. What is asked that the business is ethically and socially accountable and when the stakeholder assembly converts disgruntled, the character of the business gets smudged as the argument of sweatshops smeared the character of Nike. The circumstance that is being discussed is the concern of Nike doing the right thing; to be ethically answerable. Ethics can be demarcated as the code of moralRead More NIKEs Labour Troubles Essay1414 Words  | 6 PagesNI KEs Labour Troubles Nike publicizes itself as one of the leading industries in corporate responsibility. However, they do not comply with several human rights obligations overseas in countries like Thailand, Pakistan, China, Vietnam and Indonesia. In these countries, production facilities called sweatshops have been running for almost 35 years employing workers as young as 13 years of age. The conditions of these factories are adverse to say the least and deprive workers of the moral humanRead MoreUnethical Business Practice: Nike1499 Words  | 6 Pages The role of the government also plays a major role in these challenges that are faced by Nike. As we know that government laws and regulations differ from country to country and this makes manufacturing of products very difficult challenge for the international companies like Nike. The host governments have laws concerns against consumer protection, information and labeling, employment, wages and salaries and safety of the workers who work in those firms. The international organizations must keepRead MoreNike Debate1223 Words  | 5 PagesCase: Nike: The Sweatshop Debate 1. Should Nike be held responsible for working conditions in foreign factories that it does not own, but where subcontractors make products for Nike? Yes, Nike is not only responsible but also accountable for the working conditions of foreign countries that it does not own. Nike should realize that it is a Global Organization and working globally does not only mean that taking advantage of low cost destination but also taking responsibility of the contractors/employeesRead MoreHuman Rights Advocates Should Be Improved Labor Conditions1320 Words  | 6 Pagesmade in a hot, crowded sweatshop on the outskirts of a city or in some village. If you were to survey a random group of individuals the majority would say they don’t support sweatshop labor, but how many could provide a legitimate argument against it? The present state of manufacturing factories throughout Africa and Asia are consistently the center of debate between humanitarians, economists, and consumers alike. This discussion is not a new one, by modern standards, sweatshops have existed for centuries
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Differences Between PR and Advertising Free Essays
Public relations is planned and conducted in a business-like way. PR deals with many different groups of people known as publics and relates to all the communications of total organization. It’s not a form of advertising, its purpose is to tell not selling product yet it is playing a role of spreading knowledge about a new product or service, informing and educating people,and creating understanding to the prescribed objectives. We will write a custom essay sample on Differences Between PR and Advertising or any similar topic only for you Order Now Sometimes, it is also the beginning to play an important brand-building role. However, advertising is a form of communication that is intended to convince the target market to purchase or take some actions upon products,ideas or services. It’s mainly presents the most persuasive selling message to the public by using attractive layout,colourful illustration,creative scriptwriting skill,and themed video-making or ‘copy platform’ in an advertisement. Thus,it is higher cost than PR. Besides, advertising didn’t build up market knowledge about the new and unknown product or service to the public while PR does. For instance, a company pays for the advertisement space about its latest product or service so that the company can creative control what goes into the advertisement and how long the advertisement runs for. It could be design become more attractive to fascinate buyers to buy it. And it will be bringing the hard-selling message to motivate market buyers with using those buzz word as ‘Act now! Buy this product! ’ to purchase it. Whereas, the PR for the company will create understanding through knowledge, inform its own exclusive products or services to the public clearly and it helps to build up market knowledge as well. Then,those buyers would be more understanding about the company brand than just knowing their products by its packaging or advertisement. Yet, the company has no control on how the media presents,must it writing in a no-nonsense news format and the press would only be released once. How to cite Differences Between PR and Advertising, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Four Styles of Roman Wall Painting and Mosaics Essay Example For Students
Four Styles of Roman Wall Painting and Mosaics Essay There is a three fold division off Roman wall during this time. The dado is at the bottom, the middle section imitates the stone slabs, and the upper part features a cornice and frieze. The slabs are outlined with stucco. The wall surface is concrete covered with plaster to create the fresco. This style enhances the flatness Of the wall, With panels that imitate masonry _ These surfaces mock the stone veneers that may have been seen in more upper class homes. Many small rooms in this style appear to be busy and claustrophobic due to every surface Ewing covered in bright color. Very different from Style I, Style II, also known as architectonic, focuses on the illusion of creating a three dimensional scene from a two dimensional space. Illusionists and naturalistic, it is common to see scenes that are rich and lifelike, with strong use of chiaroscuro, and linear perspective. The faux marble is replaced by landscape scenes, though more so later in the period. Some scenes feature ritualistic events deriving form Hellenic myths and theater. The Idyllic Landscape wall painting from Pompeii, c. 79 AD, features sacred buildings and figures. There is a depiction of the love of nature and of peace and reflection in these pieces; a strong sense tot what idealistic elite meant to the people at this time, This style, which originated around 90 b,c. In Rome, centers on images framed by legalistically painting columns. At the House of the Griffins, Corinthian capitalized columns surround a portico. There are painted panels of marble set between two columns. Style Ill, the ornamental style, moved to a new focus on framing and gallery imagery. Mimicking Style l, walls are richly painted in bright red, yellow, and black, enclosing the rooms space. Unlike previous styles, the focus now is on elaboration and detail. Walls are divided into small panels with support framed paintings. Because paintings are now individual, there is greater ease at decorating and rooms can now be reworked much quicker and with greater ease. Osseous, at Pompeii, c. 63-79 AD is an example Of this style. There is a panel depicting Hercules fighting fastness in a gallery style room. Much of the work from this time reflects these ancient Hellenic themes from mythology. After the earthquake of AD 62, Pompeii homes were rebuilt and redecorated in what is called Style IV by AMA. This style focuses on intricacies, and as in previous styles, more and more elaborate scenes continue to be created at this point. The detail of Achilles and Chicory from the basilica at Herculean, a fresco from the first century AD, truly feels the way style IV was meant to: true rich detail, the perfection of the craft. An accurate depiction of their world was created in home across the region. There is a Strong Sense Of how light plays Off objects. Landscapes are more realistic and the details are more important. Style IV confines three dimensional images to LOW dimensional framed spaces eke an exhibition. Images in a room are generally unrelated, but use strong aerial perspective and accurate detail Rich architectural framing completed the look of this style which combined all others to this final point. Mosaics were used widely during the Hellenic period of Greece, but became widely popular for home decoration during this later Roman period. Initially pebbled were used, but eventually, cut glass and colored stone were popular, and called teaser. These were pressed in to soft cement called grout. The spaces were filly with cement and then the work was cleaned and polished. First used as durable floor coverings, eventually, as the style became popular, interior walls and exterior fountains were decorated. As time wore on, a variety tot colors began to be used. Often, well known paintings were imitated in mosaic_ tile, cutting the pieces to resemble the brush strokes of the original work. With the development of emblematic, meaning central design, working with mosaics became more efficient, Small compositions were made ahead often in an artists workshop, set in trays of either marble of terra cotta. These pre-planned compositions were hen brought to the work site to be laid into an completed more simple or geometric background design. This saved the artist much time and aggravation. In a work from Hadrian Villa at Tripoli, c. 118-28 AD, the Battle Of Centaurs and Wild Beasts may be a copy of a Greek work by Seizes, c. Fifth century b. C. He was an admired painter Of centaur fight scenes. In this mosaic copy, the figures are rendered in strong three dimension with detailed shading and foreshadowing. There are a variety Of poses and colors. This new mosaic work featured the use of tromp Leila to fool the eye. Another mosaic piece around this time was a work by Heraclites using tromp Leila to represent a floor full of table scraps meant for the household pets. A mouse an be seen scavenging for the scraps. Because of the immense detail and shadow illusions, one could truly believe the work to be real food on a floor, This is what Roman artists wanted. Roman Sculpture Historical reliefs were prominent in Roman culture as a political statement. One such piece, the Era paces Augustan, from 13-9 AD, is a huge marble sculpture 345 tall and 38 long. Natural Environment and Chinese Painting EssayThought to have been executed by Grippe in 20 b. C. , the stones were precisely cut from a local quarry, creating the three arcades. Water came from the springs of uses, thirty miles to the north of Mimes. Purely utilitarian, this work was let without accretion and even the projecting blocks used to support scaffolding remain, The Markets of Trojan, located in the Forum of Trojan, built in 1 13 AD, feature a main hall which makes use of the groin vault. It housed ISO shops, with stalled spaces for vendors, similar to a midsized shopping center. Basilica Sepia, used once as a court of law, was built around 113 AD in Rome, Also located at the Forum of Trojan, it is perpendicular to the courtyard and closes it off at the north end. Named for the family to which Trojan belonged, the basilica was a rectangular building with an apse at each end. There veer several roars on the long sides and on the inside, a long nave with aisles on the sides. A colonnade on the sides connect to another story, above which is a gallery with a shorter colonnade. Above that is an open space that touches the ceiling; the clerestory. This was modeled after the Greek hypotheses hall. Coffers in the ceiling are for texture, beauty, and weight reduction. The Pantheon. C. 125-128 AD, in Rome, was built as a temple for the Olympian gods during Hadrian rule. Sitting at the center of modern day Rome, it was originally built on a podium with one stairway. There is a front colonnade of post ND lintel construction, Corinthian columns, and no frieze in the untreatable. It has a front porch, hut the back half of the building is a rotunda which rests on a drum. There is a large dome which covers the the roof area, made of concrete with a sheer marble veneer. An culls at the top lets light in and the cement dome, with its cotters lightens the weight. There are straight and semicircular alternations peace for statues, as well as circular and triangular pediments which alternate as well. Shadows emphasize depth tooth cotters. The Atrium of the House of the Silver Wedding is a prime example of house vying space. Built some time before 79 AD in Pompeii, this house features a portico with priestly gardens. The tabling is a passageway which displays the busts of ancestors. The main entrance resembles a megaton with its pool at the center, and the open space is used to collect water. There are four post and lintel columns flanking the pool. Another example of this type of building is a Room from a House on the Outskirts, Built near Pompeii, there are enclosed rooms which open to a patio area. A series of cityscapes are painted on the walls, and the illusion is that one is standing on an open porch, looking out too spinsterhood. There are three dimensional columns and ledges, and a temple at the top, With a colonnade. The perspective is intuitive, but an effective creation of an idea. The flat walls are broken up and made more interesting, with the appearance Of a niche and shelf. The Villa of the Mysteries features a modern open floor plan. Built around 50 three sides were painted With the fourth open to a porch. All walls were flat, but painted with illusionists scenes. The painting, Initiation Rites of the Cult of Bacchus features a woman taking objects from a bag a woman with a whip, a Oman being whipped, a resting woman, and a woman dancing. This may be a series of the same woman. A faux marble stripe, illusion of a shelf, and blasters on the top with a frieze painting complete the work. The Roman Theater from the first century b. C, in Orange, France is modeled after the Greek amphitheater, There is a cut off orchestra, made semicircular, with a large stage area behind it. The enclosed space has a series of levels with arches on the top level. Small, flat, engaged blasters decorate the enclosed portions face. A bust of Octavia sits above the large arch and centered doorway. Other architecture similar to this idea of group entertainment, is the coliseum. Built between 72-80 b. C. , this remarkable Roman building is concrete with arches and groin vaulting. An oval form with levels created by rings, there is a labyrinth of rooms on the ground floor _ The level above the rooms is the arena, which has a base of sand. The suns would strike different parts of the bleachers at different time Of the day, and the awnings could be moved to create shaded areas. The exterior of the building has 76 doors that enter the groin vaulted rings, Which creates a sense Of openness. The exterior arches are a tutorial mechanism.
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